As the sun is about to set around Keong Saik Road, Afterglow shines brighter than all the rest. Celebrating a …
Superfoods Nourishing Your Body From Inside
As the saying goes "you are what you eat". How I totally agree with that. As a food lover, I eat almost anything under …
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5 Dessert Trends of 2015
With the year coming to an end, it's only normal for everyone to sit back and reflect on the high's and low's of 2015. …
Easy Ways To Start Eating Healthier
Being healthy doesn't require expensive personal trainers or dieticians - a common misconception. Most people are …
The Lazy Person’s Guide To Cooking
You know it's true - you're constantly busy. People might say you're just 'pretending'... Boo! You're genuinely busy …
Which Burger Are You?
A beef patty between two pieces of bread. A delightfully simple concept. Nevertheless, it represents one of the world’s …